BioBack for Pain Relief
By augmenting the natural functioning of the abdominal and lumbar muscle system, BioBack reduces muscle tension, which in turn de-loads the back and reduces stress and pressure on other pain sensitive structures like discs, joints and nerves.
The same effects that relieve pain also allows muscles to work longer before they fatigue, which helps to prevent pain from occurring in the first place. In fact, many BioBack wearers have reported feeling less fatigue at the end of the day.
What Customers are Saying

Features & Benefits
BioBack is a medical grade brace proven to more effectively reduce strain on lower back muscles and other pain sensitive structures in the lower back. Unlike most medical braces that were designed to limit or restrict mobility, BioBack uses an innovative design, combined with a small and lightweight size to actually improve mobility and posture to restore function.

Improved Posture and Mobility
BioBack for Improved Posture
BioBack's unique combination of opposing forces with a lumbar dome, which fits in the small of the back, immediately encourages a neutral spine posture. Most people experience visibly improved posture with shoulders properly drawn back. In fact, many people look noticeably taller. Over time, this improved posture supports and helps maintain a healthy back.
BioBack for Improved Mobility
The combination of reduced muscle strain and a proper neutral-spine posture immediately helps improve mobility and allows back pain suffers to safely return to a more active, and ideally healthier, lifestyle for an improved quality of life.

About Us
Today, everyone finally acknowledges what Hippocrates tried to tell us more than two thousand years ago...That motion is medicine! The BioBack perfectly fills that prescription as a solution for low back pain and to date more than 100,000 people have benefited from the BioBack.
Here at Pro Supports Plus, each of our founders have direct experience with the potentially debillitating impact of back pain. We've made it our mission to provide simple, clinically proven and effective products that help restore mobility and function to provide drug-free pain relief. The BioBack is a truly effective solution for any condition that is associated with or exacerbated by muscle tension and/or related pressure on the dics, nerves, joints or other pain sensitive structures in the lower back.
We are so confident in BioBack's Efficacy that we offer a 30-day-money-back-guarantee. So you have nothing to lose but your back pain.
What Doctors are saying